
What is a Signatory?

CFP Signatories are investors, retailers, large-scale purchasers, and NGOs that agree to:

  • Encourage companies in their sphere of influence to participate in the Chemical Footprint Project.
  • Be listed on the Chemical Footprint Project website.
  • Provide feedback on how to improve implementation of the Chemical Footprint Project.
  • Complete list of Signatories


    Who are Signatories?

    Investor Signatories represent $3 trillion in assets under management. Investor Signatories include: Aviva Investors, Boston Common Asset Management, Trillium Asset Management, and Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd., and UBS Asset Management
    Health Care and Retail Signatories represent over $800 billion in purchasing power. Health Care Signatories include: Common Spirit Health, Kaiser Permanente, and Vizient. Retail Signatories include: Dollar General, Dollar Tree, Walmart, and Whole Foods Markets.

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