
Value to Investors

In an environment where chemical regulation and market demands for safer chemicals are increasing, investors require clear, comparable information to assess company strategies for evaluating progress toward the use of safer chemicals, and away from chemicals of high concern to human health and the environment.

“As investors, we want to know that the companies we are investing in are well-managed. The Chemical Footprint Project provides an effective framework for companies to communicate complex chemicals management issues – across their supply chain — to all of its stakeholders.” -Seth Magaziner, General Treasurer of the State of Rhode Island
"For investors, hazardous chemicals represent 'the new carbon.' Similar to greenhouse gas emissions, the investment community needs to grasp the implications of this evolution in chemical knowledge and action to fulfill our fiduciary duty and contribute to a more sustainable future." -Dr. Jan Amrit Poser Chief Strategist & Head Sustainability, Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd.

Investor Signatories

Click on the links below to learn why and how these investors support the Chemical Footprint Project.

The Chemical Footprint Project:

  • supports efforts to evaluate corporate progress towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and compliance with Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)* standards;

  • offers insights into corporate chemicals management and supply chain management; 

  • is a proxy for good corporate governance practice and comprehensive sustainability programs;

  • provides a platform for engaging companies in a dialogue on their chemicals management initiatives; and

  • informs investment decision making. 

*Click here to see how the CFP Survey aligns with Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) & UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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