About the Project
The Chemical Footprint Project develops and advances the concept and practice of chemical footprinting with the goal of reducing the use of chemicals of high concern.

The connections between hazardous chemicals, consumer products, and human and environmental health are increasingly apparent. The complexity of chemical hazard, which encompasses a wide range of health impacts by thousands of chemicals, has made it challenging to measure the use and reduction of chemicals of high concern. However, similiar to carbon footprinting in the field of climate change, chemical footprinting offers a unified metric that is at once scientifically robust, comprehensive, and straightforward to implement.
A chemical footprint is the total mass of chemicals of high concern (CoHCs) used by an event, organization, service, building, or product.
The Chemical Footprint Project Survey evaluates responders' chemicals management systems against best practice to measure and reduce chemical footprints.
Join us
Investors, health care organizations, retailers and NGOs: Become a signatory to the Chemical Footprint Project
Brands, manufacturers and retailers: Prepare to Respond to the Chemical Footprint Project 2023 Survey
For more information contact moreinfo [at] chemicalfootprint.org

“The Chemical Footprint Project gives us the directions to follow to become WORLD CLASS in our chemicals policy and knowledge.” Eric Selner, Radio Flyer