
Value to Purchasers

“We see the Chemical Footprint Project enabling us to quickly recognize and reward suppliers for doing what matters most to us in healthcare, which is implementing systems to ensure their products and supply chains use safe and healthy chemical ingredients,” -Vanessa Lochner, Kaiser Permanente 

The demand for chemical transparency and accountability has grown amongst purchasers, such as in the health care sector where group purchasing organizations and major healthcare providers tighten their procurement requirements to restrict toxic chemicals - often beyond government regulatory requirements.


The Chemical Footprint Project:

  • Creates a clear, common logic for evaluating corporate chemical management performance.

  • Provides easy to use results: CFP provides institutional purchasers with data that readily enables them to compare suppliers on their corporate-wide chemical footprint. For contracts that can include tens if not hundreds of products, CFP enables quick benchmarking of supplier performance in chemicals management.

  • Measures supplier progress on chemicals performance: CFP results arise from an in-depth assessment of suppliers’ policies and practices, specifically:

    • Management Strategy: corporate policies for chemicals management.

    • Chemical Inventory: what suppliers know about chemicals in products and manufacturing.

    • Progress Measurement: how suppliers assess chemicals, whether they select safer alternatives, and their overall progress in reducing toxic chemical use.

    • Public Disclosure: how much information suppliers release to the public about chemicals in their products and their overall chemicals management practices.

  • Fills a critical missing gap in sustainability data: the CFP data now enables purchasers to evaluate companies on all their key sustainability metrics, including chemicals and health.

  • Empowers purchasers to request chemical footprint data from suppliers.

  • Identifies opportunities for improving supplier performance: purchaser requests for chemical footprint data can prompt suppliers to improve their chemical management policies and practices.

  • Enables purchasers to recognize and reward suppliers for doing well.

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