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Upcoming Events and More

1. BizNGO-Chemical Footprint Conference, Dec. 8-9, 2015, Boston

2. UN Our Planet magazine features Mark Rossi

3. Chemical Footprint Project assessment tool open for use until Nov. 30, 2015

4. Methylene Chloride Alternatives Assessment Webinar, Oct. 27, 2015

Join us in Boston for the BizNGO-Chemical Footprint Conference, Dec. 8-9, 2015! 

    Features of this year's conference include:

  • Keynote by Bart Sights, Senior Director of Innovation, Levi Strauss & Co. See Q & A with Bart below to learn more about what he’ll be discussing.
  • "You can't manage what you don't measure" - Insights from the first year launch of the Chemical Footprint Project, the first-of-its-kind initiative to measure business progress to safer chemicals.
  • Register here.

Bart Sights leads and manages the Eureka Lab for Levi Strauss & Co. -- one of the first companies in the industry to establish a Restricted Substances List that identifies chemicals not permitted in products due to their potential impact on consumers, workers, and/or the environment. Clean Production Action recently interviewed Bart about how Levi’s is continuing to pave the way to safer chemicals in textiles, and what you will learn from his unique vantage point at the next BizNGO Conference. Read the full Q & A with Bart here.

UN Features Mark Rossi's Business Case For Managing Chemicals




CPA is thrilled to let you know that in conjunction with the UN’s Sustainable Development Summit, which took place recently in New York, an article was published by Mark Rossi in the UN’s “Our Planet” magazine. The same issue featured articles by China’s Minister of Environmental Protection, Jining Chen; Japan’s Minister of the Environment, Yoshio Mochizuki; President of the Public Health Foundation of India, Srinath K. Reddy; and Erin Brockovich. Check out Mark’s article on pages 36-37, “Moving from a passive to an active strategy in managing for chemicals in products makes good business sense.” Read the full article here.




Chemical Footprinting: The Next Frontier in Responsible Investing



Chemical Footprint Project assessment tool open for use until November 30, 2015. Click here for details. 
Harmful chemicals are an increasing problem in today’s marketplace, leading not only to environmental pollution and human health impacts, but also to an abundance of hidden business liabilities. Managed incorrectly, the costs can be steep in terms of fines, lost market share and tarnished brand reputation.  A new article co-authored by CPA’s Mark Rossi and Dr. Sally Edwards from the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production describes how the Chemical Footprint Project is the next frontier in responsible investing and corporate sustainability that will enable investors to evaluate chemical risks just as they evaluate water and climate risks. Read the full article here.




Join us on October 27th for a webinar on safer alternatives to methylene chloride in paint strippers!



Click here to register for this exciting webinar presented by Dr. Bingxuan Wang of ToxServices, LLC and Molly Jacobs of the Lowell Center's Environmental Health Program.

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