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IEHN joins Clean Production Action!

IEHN joins Clean Production Action!

Dear Friends of CPA,

It is with great pleasure that I share the news that the Investor Environmental Health Network (IEHN) is coming under the Clean Production Action umbrella. This is an exciting new chapter in our decade-plus partnership with Dr. Richard Liroff and IEHN. The catalyst to the joining of our organizations is Dr. Liroff’s upcoming retirement.

In September 2004, Dr. Liroff and Sanford Lewis launched IEHN to grow investor engagement with corporations to advance the use of inherently safer alternatives to toxic chemicals. Over the following years IEHN pioneered how investors should and can engage companies on their chemicals management journey. Dr. Liroff ensured that the BizNGO Principles for Safer Chemicals included “Principle #3: Commit to Continuous Improvement” through corporate structures, policies, and procedures. He also led the chemical footprinting movement with his pioneering article in GreenBiz in 2009, “Don’t know your company’s toxic footprint? Ignorance will not be bliss.” And Dr. Liroff was and remains a co-leader in bringing transparency to the fracking industry through

IEHN’s work with investors on chemicals management will continue under new leadership in 2018. Alexandra McPherson will return to the Clean Production Action team in January 2018 as the Consulting Manager of IEHN. Alexandra, who co-founded Clean Production Action in 2001 and served as our Managing Director for the first ten years, is now the Principal of Niagara Share – which creates lasting partnerships across thought leaders to formulate new ideas and policies designed to positively impact people, the environment, and the bottom line in industrial communities, including the Buffalo-Niagara region and beyond.

On behalf of all of us who have had the pleasure to work with Dr. Liroff, I am honored to say: “Congratulations Rich on your retirement, you’ve made an impact on all of us and we look forward to continuing your legacy!” Dr. Liroff can be reached at through December 31, 2017. And on behalf of us all of here at Clean Production Action, we are pleased to be working again with Ms. McPherson on the next generation of IEHN, where we will seek new synergies between socially responsible investors and the chemical footprinting movement. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Liroff or me.

Best regards,

Dr. Mark S. Rossi, Executive Director, Clean Production Action

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