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Chemical Footprint Project Survey is live! BizNGO Annual Meeting, & more updates

Chemical Footprint Project Survey is live! BizNGO Annual Meeting, & more updates

Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) survey is live!

Join leading businesses participating in the 2nd annual CFP Survey. Investors with over $2.3 trillion in assets under management and purchasers with over $70 billion in purchasing power want to know the CFP score of companies. CFP provides a standard metric for evaluating an organization’s chemicals management policies, strategies and practices, filling a gap in critical data needed for sustainability reporting. 

Learn more about CFP and its value to businesses by participating in our:

  • Webinar on October 13th at 12:00 - 1:00 pm ET
  • Workshop on December 6, 2016 in San Francisco - in this interactive workshop, learn how participation in the Chemical Footprint Project can support your company to enhance your chemicals management program and demonstrate your leadership. The training will include examples of best practices across sectors, and lessons learned from the 2015 Survey.

BizNGO members: Join us for the 11th annual meeting (December 7-8, 2016)!

Are you interested in:

  • Collaborating with businesses and environmental groups?
  • Knowing about tools to identify safer alternatives to chemicals of high concern?
  • Learning how to measure chemical footprints?
  • Moving beyond regulatory compliance?

Featured topics: 

  • Latest trends in improving chemicals management
  • Why investors want metrics on corporate chemical risks
  • Measuring chemical footprints in retail operations
  • Challenges in measuring progress to safer chemicals
  • Inventorying chemicals & materials -- from red lists to full material disclosure
  • Moving to a common standard for hazard assessment
  • Measuring product footprints with Chemical Footprint Project

Keynote Speaker: Gregg Renfrew, Founder and CEO, Beautycounter, started the rapidly growing company with the bold vision of putting truth back in beauty. Beautycounter strives to be “far better,” not “less bad,” by raising the bar on safety and transparency while delivering exceptional product performance and empowering women.
GreenScreen® featured at Electronics Goes Green conference

Last week at Electronics Goes Green in Berlin, Apple and HP highlighted how they use GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals to identify chemicals of concern to human health and the environment as well as safer alternatives.  Apple announced that it is using GreenScreen® as part of its efforts to identify, develop, and utilize safer materials in products and processes. Apple now has a database of the chemical constituents of 12,000 components, and is moving to evaluate the hazards of those substances, especially components that come into contact with consumers as well as chemicals used in manufacturing.
HP Inc., detailed at Electronics Goes Green how it is using GreenScreen® to assess over 160 substances, including alternative flame retardant and plasticizer chemicals, with the goal of avoiding regrettable substitutions – where companies substitute a known chemical of high concern with an untested, unevaluated chemical, that later comes to be known as a chemical of concern.
As Hans Wendschlag, EMEA Social & Environmental Responsibility at HP explained, “Our rough estimate shows that making the wrong substance replacement has a cost impact of $5-$10 million, for just one substance! To help meet our overall goal of selecting alternatives that won’t be regulated in the future, HP uses the GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals assessment methodology.” Furthermore, he concluded, “We must stop creating lists of unwanted substances without investigating if better alternatives are indeed available which deliver the necessary functionality at reasonable cost.”

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